Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Story of Ruby Bridges

I want my daughter to grow up to be like Ruby Bridges. From the time Elisabeth is old enough to understand (which probably comes around 6, the same age as Ruby is in the book ) I want her to have heroes like Ruby.

I taught for three years in a public school in which the student population was 99% black. I didn't stumble onto this book until my last year teaching - and when I did, I couldn't stop recommending it. How I wish that there were a thousand books like this one for young black children to devour!

This book is the story of a historic event in our nation's history: the first black child to attend an all-white elementary school. It is told by Robert Coles, who was personally acquainted with Ruby during this time of "integration", and captures brilliantly the fabric of the gospel that was so woven into this little girl's heart in her home.

Just writing this brings tears to my eyes. Every time I read it to my class, I cried. When I showed them the movie, I cried. My students asked me, "Why you crying?" and I would answer, "Because I want you to be like that." Not, "I want you to grow up to be like that," but "I want it for you in your childhood."

I cannot think of a non-fiction picture book that I would recommend more highly than The Story of Ruby Bridges. It is a breathtaking look at the power of the Gospel.

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