Yesterday we walked in the door and I heard Elisabeth spell five of the six letters of our last name - in the right order, and without any prompting! I was shocked, and so practiced with her the correct spelling. (We'll see how well it sticks.) Inspired, we started working on her first name. Going in groups of three letters, she is quickly getting it. If I say the first three letters, she will supply the next three, and sometimes she can even spell the entire name by herself!
I learned how to spell my first name AND last name (13 letters) at a very early age because my parents taught them to us through a song. The first name song was to the tune of BINGO, as in "There was a little baby girl, Haley is her name-o. She is a lovely little girl, Haley is her name-o..." (Chuckle if you must, but it worked! We loved having songs about ourselves, and we often requested to sing the name song about every member of the family, then our friends, our pets, and so forth, so we ended up learning how to spell LOTS of names with it, not just our own.) The last name song was to a made up tune, but it worked so well that I later used it to teach my friends to correctly spell my difficult last name when I was a little older. Sometimes memorization is made much easier by using a tune! :)
Great point! We'll have to start using songs . . .
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