Friday, November 24, 2006

On the Title

Somehow I thought that near the beginning of writing on this blog I had explained the title. It seems that I was mistaken. Since many Christians (and Jews, for that matter) would find it more likely for the blog title to be "Unleavened" than "Till it was all leavened", I think some explanation may be helpful.

The text from which the title takes its name is found in Matthew 13:31-33, in the midst of a larger section packed with parables (13:1-52). The purpose of the parables was interwoven with the Kingdom of God. They were announcement of that Kingdom (19) for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear (16), which are themselves a gift (11).

In this context comes the parable of the leaven:

"The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened" (33).

That is the entire parable: one sentence. Yet it says much about the Kingdom, and about our duty.

Yeast is an active ingredient; when it is kneaded into flour, it cannot be stopped; it will leaven the entire loaf. This good news of the Kingdom is to be so worked through our lives as to saturate it, until there is no part of which it can be said, "It is unleavened." The woman has her part in kneading; but the leaven works of itself. She hides it in three measures of flour, and it exerts its power on the whole.

I chose this particular parable for a blog title, because I want to be about that work which the woman was doing: working the leaven throughout the flour, working the good news of the Kingdom into every part of life so that it can have its place, and do its work of bringing everything into happy subjection to the rightful King.


Anonymous said...

Graham, thank you for letting your knowledge of God and His word be made known. You have a great ministry with this blog site and will know only in heaven the lives you have touched with your honesty and encouragement. Thank you for living your testimony in word and deed. And thank you for being salt and light wherever you go, and especially for touching Matt and Megan in such a real way. They are blessed - blessed to know you and Rebecca and to count you among their most special friends here on earth. I stand amazed at how God continues to orchestrate in such a beautiful way the lives of His children and those who are seeking Him in a real and personal way.

Thanks to you and Rebecca for opening your home, preparing the lovely table and so graciously serving us one week ago for breakfast and sweet fellowship. Your Elizabeth is blessed to have such wonderful parents.
Thanks for sharing her with us.

At the risk of sounding "gushy" now, may I just tell you how full my heart is and how grateful we are for your influence on our family and for so many who need to see and hear truth.

Blessings to you and your girls,

Terry Anderson

Graham said...

Thanks, Terry, for your kind words. I think it is fair to say, "We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty", and that happily.

Feel free to check in to see all of Elisabeth's adventures!