This, therefore, is the glorious order of divine communications. From the infinite, eternal spring of wisdom, grace, goodness and love, in the Father, all the effects of which to this end were treasured up in the person and mediation of the Son, the Holy Spirit, to whom the actual application of them is committed, communicates life, light, power, grace, and mercy, to all that are designed parts of the new creation. Upon this, God glorifies both the essential properties of his nature, his infinite wisdom, power, goodness, and grace, as the only eternal spring of all these things, and also his ineffable glorious existence in three persons by the order of the communication of these things to the church, which are originally from his nature. And in this is the glorious truth of the blessed Trinity, which by some is opposed, by some neglected, by most looked on as that which is so much above them as that it does not belong to them, made precious to them that believe, and becomes the foundation of their faith and hope. In a view of the glorious order of those divine communications, we are in a steady contemplation of the ineffable glory of the existence of the nature of God in the three distinct persons of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. (Owen, John. "The Glory of Christ." Glasgow: Christian Heritage. 2004. p152) [emphasis mine]
One of the things that I love about John Owen is that he is an experiential divine. When he plumbs the depths of theology, it is always in the context of Christian experience. So here with the Trinity. It is not some doctrine removed from experience, but it is precious to them that believe, and the foundation of their faith and hope as it becomes the object of their steady contemplation.
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