Monday, October 16, 2006

Bye-bye nap (for now at least)

Elisabeth has not napped regularly in nearly a month now, which has put a whole new spin on my schedule. I used to be able to rely on an hour or more of peace in the afternoon to get things done. Those days are gone . . . at least for now.

There are at least two upsides:
1. It means that our daytime schedule is much more flexible, as we don't have to be home every day from 2-4.
2. It also means that we have a very tired little girl who is ready for bed by 7:15 or so every night, which means Rebecca and I get time together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katelyn hasn't done well with naps for months either. The last week or so she's gone without. She ends up being a bit overtired in the evening but then goes to bed between 7 and 8.