Thursday, December 14, 2006

We don't make messes

Last night I read Elisabeth the account (from the Big Picture Story Bible) of Jesus cleansing the temple. After I had read the section to her, I asked her questions about it, to see what she had understood. In the midst of my questions, she interrupted:

"I don't want him to be bad. I want him to be good."
I tried to explain that it was the people who were being bad by selling things in the temple, and that was why Jesus was driving them out. He was actually being good. She answered:
"We don't make messes."

It was a good reminder to me that the gospel stories, while familiar to me, are controversial. Jesus was making a mess in the temple. Every kid knows (or should know) not to make a mess. So what gives Jesus the right to go in, turn over tables, and drive out animals and people with a whip? That is the question that gets at Jesus' identity, and His authority, and can help point little children to who Jesus truly is.

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