Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I am delighted that Elisabeth has begun to actively think in scenarios. She will often ask me, "Daddy, if ____ happens, then what do I do?" Most of the questions relate to what to do if someone won't share with her, or takes away something that she has (which are the pressing emotional questions for a 3 year old).

That she can now think and talk about scenarios before they occur is tremendously helpful in preparation for those events. Since she asks often, we can rehearse often what to do so that when the time comes, she is simply acting out what we have discussed many times.

These scenarios often take us straight to the gospel. How do we love others as we love ourselves? How do we consider others better than ourselves? How do we act kindly toward people who take away our things? All of those question push us to our dependence on Christ to be our life, to forgive us, and to give us love for those who don't act in love toward us.

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