Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Curiousity about babies

Today was a day full of intriguing conversations. At breakfast, Elisabeth asked,

"When I am a Mommy, what will you be?"
We spent a little while figuring out inductively that I will be a Granddaddy and Mommy will be a Grandma (which filled Elisabeth with giggles). That began the theme of the day: "when I have baby." It was fascinating to watch her little mind work, and come out both questions and comments.
"How does the baby get inside me?"
I opted for a truthful, but incomplete answer. "It is a miracle. God creates the little baby inside the Mommy." (I fully believe that the conception of each child is a miracle, because it is the creation of a human soul by God. He both opens and closes the womb, and is the author of life.)

My biggest laugh came with Elisabeth's observation,
"The baby will get all dirty when I eat, and then we'll have to wash it."
That's what comes of me saying that the baby will be "in your tummy."

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