Friday, March 02, 2007

Learning by writing

"I count myself one of the number of those who write as they learn and learn as they write"
(John Piper A Godward Life p17).
There is no question that I fall into this category. However, I think that there is a further nuance to it: I write as I learn in a sort of dialogue with that which I am engaging. Writing forces me to clarify my thoughts, and to be ready for the response of the person, author or situation I am considering.

Hence this blog is both for my readers, to enjoy and to challenge or affirm my musing; and for myself, to enjoy, to consider, and to be corrected and refined. So thanks again for your participation in my learning by writing (and feel free to comment!).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know what you mean, Graham. My blog is much for the same purpose. I find myself either dismissing things I wanted to write about if they really were baseless, and other times writing longer than I intended as arguments form and are defended.