Sunday, March 04, 2007

The concrete visible community

“If Christianity is true, then it is the center - not merely in theory but in a concrete visible community - for the reconciliation of mankind. If it is not that center, then it is untrue in its central affirmations and ought to be abandoned.”
(Lesslie Newbigin: Missionary Theologian p75)
These two sentences are why the Gospel so permeates parenting. If the Gospel is true, it is not true merely as a set of affirmations, but is, and must be, embodied in a visible community for the reconciliation of humankind.

I want our children (our own as God gives them, and those of our visible community) to grow up in this reality: the creation of a new community reconciled to God and one another through Christ, who are continually bringing that reconciliation to the enemies of God. If our children grow up hearing the true story, but not seeing it truly embodied, they may well conclude that "it is untrue in its central affirmations and ought to be abandoned." God save us from that sorry state!

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