Sunday, January 07, 2007

The End of the Spear

In what must be a record for us, we've watched two DVDs in two weeks! When I returned The Emperor's Club, I found The End of the Spear on the library shelf!

After watching it, I am again amazed at the courage of those families, and the way it was used by the Holy Spirit. To summarize for those who haven't seen it (without ruining the movie): five young men and their families move to the Amazon basin in South America to bring the good news to a tribe that has a homicide rate over 60%.

The whole story is told from the perspective of young Steve Saint, a boy of about six, whose father is one of the five men committed to bring good news to this people. When Nate Saint, the boy's father, is preparing to make the first face-to-face contact with this tribe, Steve asks his dad, "If the Wadoni attack, will you shoot them?" His father answers, "We can't shoot them; they're not ready for heaven yet. But we are." I thought it was such a good explanation for a young child of what these families were about. They would not use force, even against a murderous people because they had come to bring the news of new life, even at the cost of their own lives.

While the movie is quite violent, I think it is a great movie for parents to watch to help us ask these questions:

  • Are we living for something that is worth dying for?
  • Do our kids have a sense that we are where we are (wherever that is) because we hope in Christ, and want others to trust Him?
  • How courageous and persistent are we in telling others of the One who delivers from death?


mi familia said...

Are you aware that you wrote this almost on the anniversary of them being martyred?
I recommend that you rent "Beyond the gates of splendor" since you liked this so much.

Have you heard this...

Graham said...

I didn't realize that it was so close to the date. What was the actual date?

On your recommendation, I just reserved Beyond Gates of Splendor from the public library.

I was present when John Piper preached Doing Missions When to Die is Gain (and have listened to it probably 2 dozen times since). The Holy Spirit did something amazing that night in my heart, and in the heart of many of my friends, many of whom are now scattered around the globe. O the He would do it again and again in me, and many others!