Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pulling out all the stops

[Note: Rebecca noticed that I had missed one of Elisabeth's lines in this conversation the first time I posted, so I'm adding it in bold.]

Yesterday, after a short walk, we arrived home en famille. Elisabeth and Mommy started up the stairs while I stepped outside to receive a package from the UPS man. As soon as the door clicked closed, the following conversation ensued:

"Mommy, can I have some gum?"
"No, sweetheart."
"Then I'm not walking upstairs."
"It is time to walk upstairs."
"I'll walk up if you give me some gum."
"I'm sorry. I won't ever fuss again. Can I have some gum?"
"When we get home, I'm going to make a big, big mess!"
I couldn't help but laugh at how many diverse ploys Elisabeth tried in one conversation:
  1. Ask the parent more likely to say 'yes' when the other parent is not present
  2. The polite request
  3. Open defiance
  4. Invitation to bribery
  5. Repentance as payment for goods
  6. Threat of a tantrum
Thankfully, Mommy's will prevailed, and there was neither gum nor tantrum.

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