Saturday, May 05, 2007

The lie of sin

For no sin is committed save by that desire or will by which we desire that it be well with us, and shrink from it being ill with us. That, therefore, is a lie which we do in order that it may be well with us, but which makes us more miserable than we were. And why is this, but because the source of man's happiness lies only in God, whom he abandons when he sins, and not in himself, by living according to whom he sins? (City of God p445)
Unless parents teach their children to recognize the lie of sin, that lie will ensnare the children. Even when the parents have exposed the deceitfulness of sin, it is still powerful to deceive. It is not without reason that we are called to "exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin" (Hebrews 3:13).

I think that there are two particularly opportune times to drive this message home. The first is when the child encounters advertising. Very often, when we purchase something "in order that it may be well with us", that thing or experience doesn't satisfy (because it couldn't), and it "makes us more miserable that we were." That is the deceitfulness of covetousness and greed. It is subtle, and works deep within our hearts. So it is immensely helpful to a child to help them early to recognize through advertising the false promises of sin.

The other opportunity comes through discipline. When a child has done something wrong, it is helpful to talk through the sin with them so that they can see where they were deceived into thinking whatever they did would make it well with them. If parents neglect this step, and skip to punishment, or even talk only what to do differently next time, the deceitfulness of sin has not been exposed. The child may not fail in that particular thing again, but they haven't seen and understood the power of sin to deceive them and make them miserable. This is the solemn privilege of parents: to help kids see this early and often so that they learn how to make war on sin.

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