Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Leek and potato galette

We tried out this recipe for Easter lunch, and it was excellent! I highly recommend it!

It takes a moderate amount of preparation time (which would be greatly reduced if you have a food processor to slice the potatoes), but is worth the effort.


Dylan said...

That looks delicious. We grilled rabbit (cottontail) Saturday night. I caught it in the backyard.

Graham said...

I think that rabbit would go really well with this one. Unfortunately, it is not as easy for me to catch them . . .

Dylan said...

A 32" length of 36" garden fencing (1"x2" mesh), a mouse trap, and a piece of string is all you need. Cost me about $6 to build the trap.

Course, you'd also need a crockpot because rabbit meat it tough! Next time I will most definitely slow cook it!

Kari and I were talking and I realized that I'm probably your only friend that "lives off the land" within city limits.

Graham said...

You may be right (although we have lots of friends who are gardeners), applying a very loose definition of "city." :)