Monday, April 23, 2007

The beauty of the universe

"For as the beauty of a picture is increased by well-managed shadows, so, to the eye that has skill to discern it, the universe is beautified even by sinners, though, considered by themselves, their deformity is a sad blemish" (Augustine City of God p367).
Augustine captures beautifully the wisdom of God in showing His beauty even through the sinfulness of humanity. He offers a perspective that children must be taught to see and appreciate. This understanding of beauty and wisdom explains why great, and not trite, literature grips our hearts - not only because we see the light, but that we see it more clearly in contrast to the shadows. Indeed, I think that the way a child will most readily recognize this at a deeply personal level is through great literature.

If, by grace, a child can see this truth early, she will scorn one-dimensional media (literature, poetry, film, etc.), preferring rather that which shows the wisdom and glory of God in permitting the shadows, and not frivolously questioning his goodness in doing so.

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