Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tech Tweaks

I've made a couple of tweaks to the blog and would welcome your feedback.

  1. I added some feed links in the sidebar to make it easier to add the blog to your reading list.
  2. I added a Recent Comments section to the sidebar (as well as enabling rss subscription to comments) to show the latest discussion.
  3. I tried adding and image to the header. It was a success to get it up, but I'd like to figure out how to lighten the image, and and round off the corners. (Tips, anyone?)
If anyone knows how to make the sidebars collapsible, so that viewers don't have to scroll through all of them to get to the one that they want, I'd love to learn!

Are there other tweaks that would enhance the site?


Anonymous said...

I've emailed you and updated header image with your specified changes, to the best that I can do with my software. To do better, you need to find someone that does some graphic work and has the appropriate software.

For collapsable sidebars, you'd need to search for some DHTML or Javascript coding. Whatever you do, if you try those, BACKUP your template!

Graham said...

Thanks Dylan! I'll check out the java options, and will back up my template. :)

Unknown said...

Graham, here is where I got the code for the drop down shelf I use on the Sabor site.

You should be able to use the same javascript to make the headings into buttons, and put the content into the shelf.

I'm not sure how the blogger sidebar thingies work, but I would be glad to give you a hand sometime if you need some help.

Graham said...

Thanks, Mike! I think I'll take you up on the help - as I still have much to learn about how to modify the blogger template.