Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gospel-centered life

“If God did indeed do the things of which the gospel speaks, then . . . The story must either be disbelieved or it must become the fundamental presupposition of all our thought and action” (Lesslie Newbigin: Missionary Theologian p243)

Increasingly, I am convinced of the centrality of the Gospel in all of life, not merely as the means of conversion.


Unknown said...

Yes! As many have said before me, the gospel is not the baby food, the Gerber of the Christian life. We do not grow up and eat the meat of Theology and leave the Gospel behind. I thank God for the meat of Theology, and for those, like Newbigin, who connect the riches of theology back to the Gospel, and expose the Gospel's meatiness! Thank God for permitting us to feast therein!

Graham said...

Amen! Here's another book that I think ties it well together:
God is the Gospel