Monday, February 05, 2007


In the last week I have been reminded afresh of what an essential virtue patience is to good parenting, and to walking in the Spirit. I find myself often making poor decisions precisely because of my impatience. In the midst of a moment, I see that my impatience is the hindrance to effective discipline.

Walking our stairs is a great example. I often don't plan enough slack time into our schedule. I get us ready to leave at the time that would be appropriate if I was the only one traveling to wherever we need to be. So when we get out to the three flights that lead down to street level, and Elisabeth is dragging her feet (or more accurately, not moving her feet at all), if I administer wise discipline, we're late to wherever we need to go; if I just pick her up and carry her down, we arrive on time, but Elisabeth doesn't learn to obey.

Patience requires planning. It demands that I plan the time to discipline, and the willingness to be late when I have not planned well.

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