Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The role of worship

When I was in college, I had a professor who could draw the history of theology on three sections of chalkboard so that I understood it. I think that was the first time that I really experienced the power of schematics to help people understand something.

So this weekend, I set out to communicate through schematic. How could I communicate the role that worship plays in the life of the church? How could I help people to see its central role? I used the following schematic:

What role does worship play in becoming Christ-centered communities?

Worship is the center, without which study (under which I include preaching) becomes intellectual pride, prayer becomes religious duty, and witness becomes a social program. When Christ is central, the Spirit is given space to create worship. When worship is integral, it catalyzes other facets of Christ-centered life, which in turn kindle more worship. It incites us to study to know Him; and as we study, our hearts turn to worship Him. True worship calls us to trust Christ in prayer; when we ask and receive, our hearts flow back to Him in praise. Likewise, when we are most full of love to God, witness is the overflow of our joy in God; when He converts the lost through us, and strengthens the weary, our hearts are again lifted to worship Him.

I was amazed at how much the schematic helped me to understand better the role worship plays in the life of the church. I guess I am a more visual/spatial person than I had thought.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! And if you get bored...

It would be interesting to see more "petals" representing other areas of Christian living on the schematic.

It would also be interesting to contrast that schematic with one demonstrating how each of the petals is/should be worship in and of itself.

Graham said...

I'd welcome input on potential "petals." And I think you're right that the schematic suggests that each of the areas is not itself an act of worship, which is not true.

I think I have an idea for how a more integrated schematic might look . . .

Anonymous said...

I suppose the other petals would all depend on how you define your initial three.

Discipleship, service, fellowship, relaxation/entertainment/hobbies, work (jobs, etc.) are areas of Christian living that could probably be included or added depending on definition. If you'd include all of the above (and other similar categories) with in the existing three, use of the schematic should probably include explanation to that regard.