Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today marks the beginning of the season of Lent (which is reasonably well described historically here). Traditionally, Lent is a season to prayerfully prepare for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Christ. For me, one of the greatest distractions from that prayerfulness is the internet. So, for Lent I am going to use the internet only for email, news (since we don't have a TV), listening to the M'Cheyne's readings, and occasional blogging.

So if posts are few and far between, that's why.

If anyone has wisdom on how to help children to experience Lent prayerfully and expectantly, please share!


Anonymous said...

I've decided to abstain from all television and movies for entertainment purposes. Sunday School, videos, etc. won't count for me.

Graham said...

Well done!