Monday, February 12, 2007

Chewing with her eyes closed

Tonight at dinner I saw Elisabeth chewing with her eyes closed. At first I thought it was just momentary, but then I realized she was drifting off to sleep even as she was chewing. I tried to talk with her to keep her alert enough to finish her food before she went to bed, and only barely succeeded. We made a hasty retreat to bed, and soon she was fully in dreamland.

I didn't think I could get a picture of Elisabeth without either startling her with the flash, or endangering her while I left the room to get the camera. So I'll have to leave to your imagination the 3 year-old chewing with her eyes closed as her head intermittently slumps forward and jerks back to vertical.


Unknown said...

We can identify with you, Graham!

Graham said...

Yes, I am genetically to blame for Elisabeth's propensity to fall asleep in her food!