Friday, August 11, 2006

What is this church for?

The relation between the Church in a 'place' and the secular reality of that 'place' is intrinsic, not exrinsic. It is not just that it happens to be located in that spot on the map. It is the Chruch of God for that place, and that is bcause the Church does not exist for itself, but for God, and for the world which Jesus came to save.

[Newbigin asked a group of elders] "What is this church for?" There was, of course, a long and embarassed silence and then I received the answer, "It caters to the needs its members." "Then," I said, "it should be dissolved." The Church does not exist for its members. (Weston, Paul. "Lesslie Newbigin: Missionary Theologian." Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 2006 p133)
O how important it is for children to learn this while they are yet children!

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