Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Parenting and the need for new life

This should teach us the much-needed lesson that no outward instruction, not even by Christ Himself; no argument, however convincing; no sense of the beauty of humility, however deep; no personal resolve or effort, however sincere and earnest - none of these can cast out the devil of pride. We must come to know that when Satan casts out Satan, it is only to enter afresh in a mightier though more-hidden power. Nothing can avail but this: that the new nature in its divine humility be revealed in power to take the place of the old, to become as truly our very nature as the former ever was. (Murray, Andrew. "Humility: The Beauty of Holiness." Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications. 1997. p4)
Murray is not new or unique in his emphasis on the new birth. Yet it is so refreshing in our day to hear someone who so clearly trumpets our desperate need for Christ to live in us - not for us to live for Christ. (Incidentally, I've never encountered a more helpful exposition of Satan casting out Satan.)

I see this as deeply connected to parenting. If we believe, practice and teach this, we will not depend on our clever methods to raise God-loving children. We will humbly cry to Christ to live in us before our kids that they may see Him in us; and we will cry to Him for them, that He would live in them in power in the same way to kindle in them love for God.

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