Friday, June 16, 2006

Living like the Moravians

Last night I was reading Awakening, and came across this, which blew me away:

An Anglican missionary, Dr Halbeck, told [Robert Murray McCheyne] a story which greatly impressed him and which he repeated to his congregation in an impassioned plea to care for those without Christ. There was a large leprosy colony in South Africa where hundreds of lepers were kept. Those who entered there were never allowed out again. Two Moravian missionaries entered knowing that they would not return. As soon as they died there were others who were prepared to go in their place. 'Ah! My dear friends, may we not blush and be ashamed before God, that we - redeemed with the same blood and taught by the same Spirit - should yet be so unlike these men in vehement, heart-consuming love to Jesus and the souls of men?' (Robertson, David. "Awakening: The Life and Ministry of Robert Murray McCheyne." Waynseboro, GA: Paternoster. 2004 pp83-84)
Whether we realize it or not, we're given a similar call, to go into a dying world and announce good news. If we have not the illusion of emerging unscathed, our trust will be more pure, and our boldness more real to go to the most desolate and desperate places. God, give us hearts like the Moravians!

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