Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Add to Google

Yesterday I was reading Mike's blog, and saw a new little button:. I clicked it to find out what it was about, and discovered Google Reader. I was familiar with the Google homepage which allows you to add feeds on your homepage (and which I enjoy). What I didn't know was that the reader exists to be a one-stop shop for all the feeds. (My homepage was becoming cluttered with feeds from blogs I read, so this was a welcome tidying tool, which I would highly recommend.)
If you like reading about Elisabeth, and don't know when to check in for new posts and pictures (as I never know when I'm going to write them or publish them . . .) click here:. I'm also adding a link under Syndicate so you can do it anytime. (I haven't figured out how to add images to the sidebars, so if anyone is blogger savy and can help me out, I'd appreciate it!)


Anonymous said...

I had a good chuckle when I read this post, because that's what I was trying to describe to you way back when! I guess I didn't do a very good job of communicating clearly... :)


Graham said...

I realized that too, when I found the reader. You are far ahead of me in the google world, Haley.

Graham said...

Mike solved my problem with a little simple html. Thanks, Mike!