Monday, June 19, 2006

I want to show Penny where Changchun is

In response to Elisabeth's question, "Where is Afghanistan?" we put up a world map in her room. Now she can locate Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and China. (We have friends in Afghanistan and China; my dad is presently in Pakistan, and my brother is currently in Kazakstan, so each country has a personal connection.)

One of our friends in China lives in Changchun. So Elisabeth has been very excited not only to be able to locate China, but Changchun within China.

The best way to reinforce knowledge is to teach others . . . so during her 'nap' time, I heard Elisabeth say,

"I want to show Penny where Changchun is."
Soon both Elisabeth and Penny (her favorite doll) will know where Changchun is.

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