Monday, January 28, 2008

Don't do "__________"

Over the past several weeks, Elisabeth has developed a new mannerism. She now frequently tells us what she is not allowed to do, and in doing so demonstrates the proscribed behavior. It is not uncommon for her, without prompting, to say:

"We don't bang our forks on the table" (while shaking her head "no" and banging her fork on the table.
It is all that we can do as parents not to burst out laughing, because it almost never follows on us asking her not to do the particular behavior. It is as if she brainstorms all the actions that she knows she should not do, and then proceeds to tell us (always with demonstration) what would be inappropriate to do at that particular time.

I'm glad that she understands our expectations, and am ready for her to outgrow this mannerism.

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