Friday, January 04, 2008

The Family Worship Book

Before reading Family Driven Faith, I hadn't thought much about the difference between family devotions and family worship. Voddie Baucham primed the pump so that when someone offered to buy me a book for Christmas, I knew precisely what kind of book I wanted. Through some helpful reviews on Amazon, I found The Family Worship Book, which I am pleased to commend just as strongly as they did.

For those who are unconvinced of the importance not merely of Biblical instruction in the home, but of regular family worship, this book provides a helpful and brief overview of why Christians in generations past have considered it indispensable. The author, Terry Johnson, is quite forthright in tracing his heritage to the Westminster Confessions and Catechisms - and provides explanation for why he leans on them so heavily (which you will probably see popping up in my quotables in the days to come). I think his argument is compelling for those who are already sensitive to the issues (as I was), and I think would be very challenging to someone who has not considered the responsibilities of family worship.

Many books are good at casting vision without providing any practical resources for doing so, and I am pleased to say that such is not the case with The Family Worship Book. The author is diligent to outline what he sees as the important elements of family worship, and then offers a sample liturgy for how to conduct family worship. In addition, he includes:

  • two catechisms, sans proof texts (including the Westminster Shorter Catechism)
  • a great list of hymns and psalms (sadly without scores, although he recommends several CDs that have numerous of the psalms and hymns on them)
  • a list of 50 important passages for memorization (including great OT texts)
  • a family reading record that uses a harmonization approach for reading with young children
  • a great selection of Scriptures for call to worship, and confession (reprinted, so you don't have to look them all up)
  • the Apostles', Nicene, and Westminster creeds
  • and a recommended pattern for introducing (and reviewing) psalms/hymns, memorization passages, and the creeds.
With a few bookmarks, this is a rich resource for beginning to practice family worship rather than just talking about its importance. I haven't yet found a better book to call and equip parents to lead their families in fellowship with Christ.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for post this resource. I have just finished reading Voddie's book which has help me collect thoughts on homeschooling and family-centered worship. I will have to purchase this material.

Graham said...

This book doesn't touch on homeschooling, but I think is even more helpful than Voddie's on family worship.
