Thursday, July 06, 2006

Why aren't you angry?

In Humility, Mahaney relates the story of his brother-in-law, Dave, who had an aggressive brain tumor.

On one occasion, a relative of Dave [who had an aggresssive brain tumor] was visiting, a man who was not a Christian. As he watched Sharon [Dave's wife] caring for Dave and thought about Dave's relative youth and the children he would leave behind, anger seemed to well up from within him - anger directed at the God whom Dave and Sharon were professing to believe in.
He asked Sharon, "Why aren't you angry?"
She turned to him and answered with the truth of the gospel: "Dave deserved hell for his sins, just like you and me, and yet God, in His mercy, forgave him because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. David is going to heaven," she said. "How could I be angry at God for taking him to heaven?" (Mahaney, C.J. "Humility: True Greatness." Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah. 2005. p150-1)
How quickly a true view of things gives us reason for worship rather than grumbling!

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