Friday, July 07, 2006

Preaching as a sinner, to sinners

I have been praying for anointing in my life, and in the opportunity to preach. In praying, I recalled this experience of Martyn Lloyd-Jones that encouraged me in the way of humble, bold proclamation:

I shall never forget preaching some twenty-seven years ago to a college chapel in the University of Oxford on a Sunday morning. I had preached in exactly the same way as I would have preached anywhere else. The moment the service had finished, and before I had scarcely had time to get down from the pulpit, the wife of the Principal came rushing up to me and said, 'Do you know, this was the most remarkable thing I have known in this chapel.' I said, 'What do you mean?' 'Well,' she said, 'do you know that you are literally the first man I have ever heard in this chapel who has preached to us as if we were sinners.' She added, 'All the preachers who come here, because it is a college chapel in Oxford, have obviously been taking exceptional pains to prepared learned, intellectual sermons, thinking we are all great intellects. To start with, the poor fellows often show that they do not have too much intellect themselves, but have obviously been straining in an attempt to produce the last ounce of learning and culture, and the result is that we go away absolutely unfed and unmoved. We have listened to these essays, and our souls are left dry. They do not seem to understand that though we live in Oxford, we are nevertheless sinners.' (Lloyd Jones, Martyn. "Preaching & Preachers." Zondervan: Grand Rapids, MI. 1971 p126)
O to preach as a sinner, to sinners, without any pretense of my - or their - not being in desperate need of a great Savior!

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