Upright and Humble
This weekend at dinner I asked my extended my family this question:How do you raise kids to walk uprightly AND not look down on those who don't?
I'm soliciting more input . . .
"The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened."
Reflections of a father
This weekend at dinner I asked my extended my family this question:How do you raise kids to walk uprightly AND not look down on those who don't?
I'm soliciting more input . . .
Posted by
8:27 AM
Tough (and good) question.
If I see someone who is less virtuous (or loving/righteous/whatever) than I am, and I look down on that person, I am acting as though my virtue is something to be proud of, and is my own doing. In reality, it is God's grace, not my merit, that allows me any virtue at all. So if I recognize my own "righteousness" for what it is, then I won't take pride in it and I won't look down on others.
I also think that Christians sometimes think that Jesus is "exaggerating" when he tells us not to judge others. We think that without the right to judge others, we will become relativists who can't tell right from wrong. But I'm not so sure that's true.
I think you're right on that all is of grace which leaves us no ground to boast, or look down. What do we have that we did not receive?
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on judging, as I think there is significant confusion on being able to talk straight about repentance - and simultaneously not judge.
How do we raise your kids to do it? By doing it ourselves. They will learn not from lesson but from actions. When we pursue Christ until his lifestyle becomes a connaturality to us, it will be embraced by our children.
If our kids never see us condemn others or judge them, they won't be inclined to do it either. The good (& scary) news is that kids will follow the true example we demonstrate.
Says the childless, single adult ;)
Single people influence kids by example too! And your points are very well taken.
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