Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A commandment always practiced

This evening I was talking with a friend about spiritual lethargy that we are both experiencing. As we talked, I realized that I receive so much wise counsel from John Owen on overcoming sin and temptation. I opened up his book and my gaze fell on this sentence:

"A commandment that is always practiced is always new . . ." (379)
There is a wonderful remedy for my lethargy: to practice! He continues:
"And he that really improves [practices] gospel truths, though he hears them a thousand times, they will be always new and fresh unto him, because they put him on newness of practice; when to another, that grows common [bored] under them, they are burdensome and common unto him, and he even loathes the manna that he is so accustomed to." (ibid.)
How good it is to have wise counselors who point me back to such simple, true spirituality.

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