Saturday, May 17, 2008

All that feeds my busy pride . . .

In our family worship times, we have been singing Jesus Cast a Look on Me from the Indelible Grace 3 album. (Then we can sing along to the CD, as Matthew Perryman Jones is a much better guitarist than I am.) The second verse has been ringing in my ears:

All that feeds my busy pride
Cast it ever more aside
Bid my will to thine submit
Lay me humbly at thy feet
"Busy pride" is a good description of my pride. I need daily to pray and sing these words, and I pray that they will shape Elisabeth as she sings and hears them.


Tracy said...

I love those verses. Thanks for sharing that, Graham!

Anonymous said...

You are an incredible father! I really enjoyed those verses. Hope you guys are doing well. I'll see R in clinic today. :)