Friday, September 21, 2007

Morning routine

Each morning on our way to preschool I ask Elisabeth a few questions to prepare her for the day. I ask her, "What is your major job?" to which she eagerly replies: "Listen!" I also ask her, "Why do we go to school?" to which she answers, "To learn what is good and true and beautiful."

So yesterday I asked her the questions on the way to school, and when I asked her why we go to school, she answered:

"To learn what is good and true and beautiful and right and fun!"
I think that captures well the spirit of true learning, and virtue.


Anonymous said...

I love your questions! Way to be proactive. I'm looking forward to more preschool stories as the year goes on.


Graham said...

I can't claim that it was very proactive. The week before Elisabeth started preschool, I began thinking about it myself. So why do we go to school? And that was the best short answer I came up with.

If someone has a better one, I'm all ears!