Sunday, June 25, 2006

To gladly spend

Yesterday, after a brief morning outing, as I returned to our block, I saw a bookshelf on the sidewalk with a sign: $29. I hastily crossed the street to look more closely, and realized that it was identical to an oak bookcase that we have in our livingroom/dining room/library/guest room. (You who have stayed with us can smile.) A young woman (the owner of the bookcase) was sitting in a moving truck nearby, waiting for the next load of goods. I quickly told her that I wanted the bookcase, and that I would go to talk to my wife and get the cash to pay for it. I did exactly that: I ran upstairs, talked with my wife and got the money. I was eager to part with $29 for a beautiful oak bookcase (identical to our other one!).

That experience made me think of the parable of the treasure hidden in the field, and that of the pearl merchant. They were glad to spend, in order to obtain something of great value. Just as glad as I was to part with $29 for a great bookcase, I should be more so, with even more joy, to part with everything for the sake of the Kingdom. This is the kind of love for God that enables joyful, sacrificial service like Paul's for the Corinthians:

I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls. (2 Corinthians 12:15)
God, give me eyes to see the beauty and treasure of Your Kingdom!

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